Arkadia Hazelnut Syrup 750ml
Arkadia Hazelnut Syrup 750ml

Arkadia Hazelnut Syrup 750ml

Develop your café’s drinks with the rich, toasted flavour of hazelnut. Arkadia hazelnut syrup delivers a superior hazelnut taste that baristas and customers love. Perfect for lattes, hot chocolates, frappes, and milkshakes, this syrup adds a creamy, nutty depth that elevates a beverage. 


  • Made in Australia – Expertly blended for authentic hazelnut flavor. 
  • Superior Taste & Quality – Smooth, balanced, and aromatic. 
  • Versatile Use – Ideal for hot and iced drinks, desserts, and frappes. 
  • Long Shelf Life – Stays fresh for 24 months, ensuring consistent flavor. 

Packaging & Serving

  • 750ml PET bottle – durable and easy to store. 
  • 50 servings per bottle (15ml per serve). 
  • Pump required for easy pouring

Why Choose This Hazelnut Syrup for Your Café? 

  • Adds a rich, nutty aroma and flavour that enhances both coffee and chocolate drinks. 
  • A high quality, indulgent taste that blends smoothly into hot and cold beverages for a barista-quality experience. 
  • A cost-effective way to expand your café menu and attract more customers. 
